Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The title of this post does not to begin to explain how I've felt during this breast cancer journey or even a tid bit of what I feel today. Thanksgiving just past last week and people forget that you should be grateful and thankful everyday! Everyday when you open your eyes thank him. I have't written a post all month and I actually didn't plan on writing this one today. I actually just come to the blog to get the link to share it with someone and something came over me just like it did this morning. I started my day with a close friend calling me while I was on the way to my radiation treatment for my breast cancer with the news of a fellow classmate from Georgia Southern passing from breast cancer yesterday. Ms. Keya Cash, I remember her sweet presence from college like it was yesterday, so cool and laid back and it made me sad, really sad because it could have been me! My friend was sympathetic with the fact that I had breast cancer even more so this morning and so grateful that I was ok. Just when I thought I couldn't be anymore GRATEFUL, at that very moment it spiked again. Grateful that I have him in my life and grateful that he chose her to come be by his side.

As I waited in the oncologist office for my treatment, I thought about the funeral of a child hood friend, Mrs. Keyana Gray, I JUST attended her funeral on November 4th. It's still a shock to me. She was the cousin of one of my best friends, so just as long as I've know my best friend I've known KeKe, round about since 6th grade so probably about 15 years. So every time I talk to my best friend and I hear the hurt in her voice it does something to me. She doesn't know that but I guess she will now :) I LOVE YOU! Though KeKe and I didn't have the same illness (she had Renal Disease since we were younger), that could have been me! When I think of her my heart smiles and I KNOW for a fact that everyone that she came in contact with feels the same way. She NEVER complained, she had the peace of God even on her worst days!

So I'm leaving my radiation and I call one of my college roommates to see if she had heard the news about Keya and she didn't. I know she didn't because she definitely would have called me about it. She knows how I am about this cancer thing now and she would have called. It was just as much a shock to her as it was to me. After that call I  got a call from one of my old clients, which is also a friend. We talked and talked about everything going back and forth sharing stories. We hadn't caught up in a while since I'd been going through chemotherapy so it was great to talk. He shared his personal trials that he's been going through which involved 2 Cancer scenarios (different kinds of cancer), a death, and a surgery on his God baby (8 months old) This added to my sadness but yet heightened my GRATEFULNESS and THANKFULNESS. You NEVER know what your neighbor is going through so try your best not to complain and always be sympathetic to next. Someone ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS has it worse than you! Jesus died for our sins on the cross at they tortured him and YET he still didn't complain! Who are we to gripe and complain about the petty stuff. Even if it's not petty, cast  your burdens unto Jesus, he blood was shed for us so I know with all of my heart that he wont for sake us.

I talked to him for over a hour and he doesn't know this but I almost started crying when we were talking because I was  so touched by what he and his family have been going through. Though I may seem tough at times, I'm such a softy and today was one of those days. :) His trials on top of KeKe and Keya touched me in a way that was explainable, all I can say is I know it was God. After I got off of the phone with him I cried. I called my Mom first and cried some more, thanking her for being there for me and raising me in the way I should go, thanking her for showing me God's faith at a young age. I'm ever so grateful for my Mama, I LOVE HER. After I was done with her, I called my Dad cried some more just thanking him for being the father that ever child dreams of. He's nothing but the best to me. I LOVE HIM. I wasn't crying because I was sad I was crying because how GOOD my God is. Those that know me personally, know that I don't cry that often and I don't think I've ever in my life had a cry like I did today in my car. I HAD BREAST CANCER!!! That is so unbelievable to me some days. To know that he loves me so much to use me as a vessel through this cancer journey is that UNCONDITIONAL love. You'll NEVER feel that from another human being EVER. It's so real. I'm living everyday like it's my last, not being worried or complaining.

God shows us UNCONDITIONAL love EVERY SINGLE day and a lot of times we take that for granted. You have to cherish each breath you take, each family member, each friend, and don't ever take it for granted. I know, we're human, we mess up, God knows that but when you notice that you are doing it, JUST THINK "someone is missing a family member", "someone is missing a friend", or "someone is on their last breath and you're wasting yours complaining. That's not what God wants of us. We have to do better. So every morning and every time you get a chance thank him for the people in your life, the breaths you take, a roof over your head, food to eat, and just life. And if you don't have all of that, Speak Life and thank him in advance for the blessings that he has to come for you. Remember we are his children and he WILL take care of us.

So as I close, I'd like to do 2 things. #1 I was to keep people aware, GO GET CHECKED!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Not just women but men too. Men also get breast cancer, so if you know that it flows heavily in the women in your family, please go get checked. Not only get checked for breast cancer but just do doctors visits in general and take better care of ourselves. I always tell people that I waited almost 2 years to go get my lump checked, DON'T BE LIKE ME! If you feel like there is something out of the norm happening in your body please go to a doctor, that's what they are her for. Even if you don't have insurance, there are options (i didn't have any!).

#2 I'd like to say that I am keeping the Cash, Gray and Carlisle families in my prayers. I pray that God gives each family member and friend of each of these ladies peace, strength, joy, and a sound mind. I know he will. I hope I didn't cross any boundaries with this post but I just had to let people know how good God is and how wonderful these 2 ladies were. OUR stories will help others in a way that we may never now and I know that God has both of them right there by his side. There is no better place they could be. You both will be missed. XOXO

                                                           Mrs. Keyana Shantrice Gray

Ms. Keya Cash 

Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. 1 Peter 5:7


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


It's mid October and I couldn't let this month go by without writing a post on this blog for 2 reasons. 

#2 I FINISHED CHEMO!! . October 13th, 2011 to be exact! 

Though my journey is far from over, the hardest part is done. I still have 6 weeks (5 days a week) of radiation, a injection every 3 weeks of Herceptin (until June 2012) and hormone therapy (a daily pill for 5 years). I just feel so blessed that sometimes I can't put it into words. Blessed and Highly favored is the best way for me to put it. Though this may seem like the worst time of my life for people on the outside looking in, ACTUALLY is the ABSOLUTE BEST time of my life (so far that is :) ) The best is yet to come! God opens my eyes every day to how blessed I am. I hope and pray that with each post I write on this blog, each picture I post on FB (Janae Veal), and each tweet that I put on Twitter (@JVeal) that I inspire each and every person in some way shape or form. I hope that those of you that know God, see that you too are blessed and highly favored. Though things may not be going the way you like, know that you are a child of God and that his plan is far more greater than yours. I also hope that those that don't know God will see him through my eyes and through my life and know that there IS NO WAY WHATSOEVER I could be doing this good by myself! Whatever you are going through, claim your victory! GOD IS REAL!!
I've met so many great people since I've been on this journey and have had some unexpected blessings that's just one of the reasons that I know I'm highly favored. This month has just been so amazing so far. I'd be lying if I didn't say being a survivor had it's perks :).

I attended an awesome Boobie Boot Camp on Oct 1st to support my girl Melissa St.Joy in the Susan G. Komen 3 day (60 mile) walk.

 I was honored at a "Making Cancer Sexy" fundraiser party where I got some awesome gifts (Thank you Demetria Hines, Odds Designs & Like A Lion's Artwork).

 I've been to 3 Atlanta Falcons games and for those of you that know me, know that I'm more of a basketball girl. Not only did I attend  3 games but they were all very important to me for one reason or another.

 I was a survivor on the field for the half time show at the Falcons vs Green Bay. I met some wonderful people. It was a great experience.

 I attended the Falcons vs Eagles game with two of my closets friends Scooby and Rissa.

The last one was so AMAZING! I got to see Prime Time, Deion Sanders get his Hall of Fame ring with my Dad. It was so great to be able to experience that with my Dad. Thanks Scoob and Dola for the tickets.The best part about that game was that we got to go to the owners suite and meet him. UNBELIEVABLE!! Thank You Mr. Sanders.

There is so much more to come. There is still 13 days left in the month to educate and celebrate
Don't get me wrong, this journey has not been a breeze but I've been diligent and have stayed prayed up and faithful. My count has been crazy low many of times holding be back from getting my chemo a few times.
Yeah they make me wear these crazy mask when my count is low LOL

I've been really really out of it some days, matter of fact today was one of those days. I've been in bed all day trying to shake this last little bit of chemo off but all I can think about is how far God has brought me and how blessed I am that he chose me to be a vessel. I just hope that I'm doing exactly what he wants of me. I feel that I am. I think that has been the best part of  this journey is that he is showing me everyday what he wants of me and it feels so good. I hope and pray that each one of you find your purpose in life because he has one for all of us. As I got my very last chemo treatment, FOX 5 came to interview me so they could share my story. I want people to know that God is real and that life is not over after cancer.

Please make sure you watch the interview on Fox 5 Atlanta, Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 730am, 930am, and 5pm. You can also check it on the website http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/


God is moving in my life and I feel it every single day
and I know it's because I ALWAYS stay

Wednesday, August 17, 2011



It's been weeks since I've posted on this blog and its not for any particular reason, I just haven't had much to say. Then I realized that I must have a lot to say because someone different asks me EVERYDAY when I'm going to put up a new post on my blog. I didn't know that what I said affected so many people. They may not ask me directly but the somehow it gets back to me. It's crazy to me that people really want to and are waiting to hear what i have to say. So here we are, another post from a simple chic going through her journey in life giving you my simple thoughts that were never so simple before. LOL

I've been told that I've inspired them to do something different in their lives, which amazes me, because who am I?! I've been putting it off and putting it off trying to figure out what to write about next. But I shouldn't have to figure it out, it always comes at the right time. I am a blessed, so blessed to be in this situation that I can be the light to others. I never asked God why I got breast cancer I knew it was always for a purpose. I always knew it was bigger than me. Whether I helped 1 person or hundreds, I know that my thoughts are not always just for me.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

Something my pastor (Craig Oliver, Elizabeth Baptist Church) always says is "We are blessed so that we may bless others". In the past I would always think of that in a monetary or materialistic way. Those that know me, know that I am a giver when I have it and even when I don't I try to figure things out to make it work so that I can help someone. What God has shown me is that I am being a blessing by writing these post on my blog.

 It's crazy because I've had people ask me, do you write your blog yourself? I'm thinking who else would be writing MY thoughts for me, LOL. I've never been the one to enjoy writing, ever. My roommate from college (Starr) can attest to that, she helped me with many of my papers. LOL. It's really God using me to through my writing to help others.  When I started this blog, it was just for me to log my journey, now it has become a way for me to be the Light that God has intended me to be. I don't know everything that's going on with everyone reading these post but God does. Each time I write it touches someone in some way and I may never know and I don't need to. I just need to continue to do what God tells me to do.

So my question to you is, Are you doing what God asks of you? You never know who's watching what you do. You never know who's expecting great things from you. You never know that someone is looking up to you from a far or even close for that matter. What you do on a daily basis may not be for you at all, so watch what you do, how you act, and what you say. Not only is God watching but you may me a mentor and not even know it. :) I am SO BLESSED and so are you, so act like it!

Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse--The blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day.Deuteronomy 11: 26-27


Sunday, July 17, 2011


     So I haven't written anything in a while because I only like to write when I've felt moved by something or when I've felt like I've learned something and I'd like to share it. I've been doing GREAT with this cancer journey if I do say so myself but I do have lots of time to think these days. So in one of my many thinking moments, I started to get down on myself a little bit. Not because I'm going through treatment but because of all of the things that this treatment affects in my life.
     For those of you that know me personally you know that I am a very hard worker. I've been working since I was 14. Many times I will hold down 2 and 3 jobs with no problem, so I'm use to getting what I want when I want it and doing it myself without any help. This is where the down side comes in, since I haven't been working like I'd like to or like I know I'm capable of doing outside of treatments I don't have to the money that I'm use to having and I can't always do the things that I'd like to do, which is really hard for me to take in at times.
     Dont' get me wrong, I have a nice place to lay my head, food to eat every day (and I do love to eat LOL), a car to drive, and even a couple of jobs that I can go to when I have the energy to do so. So why am I worried. I mean I still have small bills I have to pay and things that I'd like to do and places I'd like to go so I guess I'm not where I'd like to be but who is? All in all God shows me every day that I am blessed more that I think. When I think of it all God tries to bless me and lots of times I don't accept because I'm not humbling myself enough to receive the things he has in store for me.

 He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.
Proverbs 25:9

     I have someone everyday ask me, "Are you good?", "Do you need anything?", or to tell me "Call me if you need something.". My reply "I'm good (because HONESTLY I am)" or "No I don't need anything (because I really don't)". I figure God will take care of my bills when the time comes and he surely does. I guess you could call all of that Pride and I guess as humans we all have some of that somewhere where it's not needed.  I'm learning to humble myself and receive what God gives me through others.
     I'm just so use to being on the other end of the giving that it's tough sometimes. I'm sure there is something (whether its time, money, help, gifts, smiles, hugs, a talk, wants, or needs) you can humble yourself to receive on a daily basis. So I challenge whoever is reading this to humble yourself to receive the blessings that God has in store for you. They may not come the way you expect it but take them as they come and be grateful of the blessing he has set out for you. Remember that his plan is ALWAYS beyond what we can imagine!

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

2 Rounds of Chemo down 4 more to go!! Woohoo!
(Me and my brother Kevin)

I went all the way and shaved it all off! I love it!! :)


Thursday, July 7, 2011


If God gave you everything you wanted, you would have nothing to strive for, & the joy of success would not be yours.

     That was a quote from some one's twitter time line that I saw first thing this morning and it's so true. This week I've been battling with being patient in what God is preparing me for. I want the things that he's promised me now, or at least a blue print of what's to come. LOL. I know that I'm not going through this journey in vain, I just want to know the outcome.  I'm sure we are all like that at some point in our day or in our life in general. We have to believe and know that he has our best interest at hand and that he has nothing but big things planned for us.
    He has these big plans for us but we have to make sure that we are walking in his righteousness as well. We must abide by his word and know that his plan is what's best for us. Nobody wants to just win the game without playing, how fun would that be? I like knowing that I worked hard for all of my accomplishments.
     When I decided to do my first NPC figure competition in 2010 I went in full force. Nothing else mattered really. I made sure I did all of my cardio, ate on my diet on point, and went hard in all of my works. In my mind when times got tough, all I thought was winners don't quit. I just REALLY wanted to win. Not only did I want to win, but I wanted to stand out. I had never done a show before or even been to one so I had no clue what so ever what they were looking for. All I knew is that I wanted to win so I gave it all I had to get there. It all paid off because I won! Not only did I win my class but I was the over all winner as well. God blessed me with the desires of my heart and doubled it with one more trophy that I wasn't even expecting.

     So even when you get impatient and think that you need something now, just pray on it. He wants us to put full force into pleasing him so that we can be the light that shines for him. He always has something greater in mind than what we have for ourselves. I am learning every day that it's really not about me at all, it's about being pleasing to God so he can bless me like he wants me to be blessed. I'm open and ready to accept what he has in store for me. ARE YOU?


Saturday, July 2, 2011


     Yesterday was a big change for me, I cut most of my hair off. I've never in my life had an even remotely short hair cut. My hair started to shed from the chemotherapy treatments, so I figured why not. I got so fed up with hair being everywhere. I had this attachment to my hair (or so I thought) because I'd had long hair all of my life but it was so simple to make the decision to cut it. It was something that I thought would make it easier for ME. Many people wanted me to wait, but I had to do this for me. I felt so at ease sitting in the chair as she chopped it off LOL. It was a good feeling especially because it was something that I've wanted to do for years but was afraid to do it. It will grow back even better after the treatments are done.

     Alot of times we go through life doing things (small and big) to make other people happy regardless of how we may feel about the decision or the outcome. That's not living your life, that's living life for others. We can't be afraid of change. Sometimes change means leaving your comfort zone. It may not feel good in the moment but what you do with those emotions is what decides which direction your change goes. Change is good, it's what we make out of the experience. It can me a negative change but if you turn your thoughts positive, it can create some beautiful things! We have to do things that make us happy as individuals and I feel like so many aspects of our lives will be happier and will have more positive outcomes.

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.

     In my moments of clarity I see things in such a positive light now. I use to be one of those people that hated when other people were positive all the time. I would think, "they can't be positive about everything" but you really can. Positivity at all times (I'm human though, so I'm sure I'll slip here and there lol)  is part of my change and that one thing can make such a difference in other areas of my life. I want to live a happy life of change for myself and no one else, we can't always make others happy. Try CHANGE  and see how it works out for you.

“Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.”

Janae' :)

Have a blessed 4th of July weekend!!!



Thursday, June 30, 2011


     I just finished my p90x ployometric workout and I'm feeling a certain kind of way, a good way, I feel healthy! I know that I'm going through chemotherapy and I'm suppose to be tired all the time, sick, sad, depressed and whatever else negative that comes with it but I DON'T. Man I feel so good right now!! I feel MOTIVATED.  For anyone that's reading this post and knows me personally, you know that I'm super OCD about my workouts and my healthy lifestyle. The doctors and nurses said I'd only be able to do 50% of what I was doing before (as some of my friends say, I was already doing the most LOL). Though I may not be able to go as hard as I did before (which I would say was probably 75% more than a normal person LOL not vain just confident :) ) I still and will continue to live a healthy life style. I'm determined!
     I know in my heart that there are 3 reasons that I'm doing so well with these treatments. 1) MY GOD he's my everything!!! 2) MY AGE, Cancer is known to be harder on older people 3) MY HEALTHY LIFE STYLE. I have not had any of the side affects that I was told I'd have I know it's due to these 3 factors. With the acception of my hair starting to shed, but I'm good with that, it will grow back even better. :)
     Though I absolutely love how my body looks from all those days of extra hard workouts, insane cardio sessions, and insane diets, I know it wasn't just to make me look good, God was preparing my body for this process. In my head I was training to win shows, get a pro card (which I will get when I'm done :o) ), and to look good. Like I said in a previous post, it's not always our plan that we are living by. I absolutely love working out and wish that everyone I knew had that same passion for it as I do.
     Not because I want people around me to look good but because it will keep you here on earth longer to see your families grow, to see your life grow, and to be able to do things that you never thought you could do. As a trainer I love to motivate people to get that passion for health and fitness because it can do nothing but enhance your life. It's not always about looking good but feeling good.
Results come in all different ways. Make small goal and move towards them. You may make your first one to be able to walk up a flight of stair without breathing heavily or to do a 5k, no goal is too big or too small. Just set it and move towards it.

     I encourage, my family, my friends, and anyone that is reading this post to set a goal. Do it for yourself!! No one can make you do what you don't want to do, so it has to be inside of you first, something that you want to do for you! I know we all have our secret thoughts of what we'd like to do or how we'd like to look, so claim it and start TODAY!!! Don't wait, because you'll only keep pushing it back until tomorrow. You've been waiting long enough. I know if I can do these p90x workouts while going through treatments, you can at least pick out a goal. I have mine in mind already!
    Last thing before I go, REMEMBER, don't worry about what others are doing, this is your goal and your time, no one else matters. So what if someone else is doing more or going harder, you go at a pace that it good for you, BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be care and push yourself.

MY GOAL: Kill this cancer and work towards getting that pro card in 2012.......WHAT'S YOURS? :)


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

He gives us the desires of our heart

     In this journey my mind has been as clear as ever. I'm so use to ripping and running everyday all day between my 3 jobs, 2 sometimes 3 a day workouts, a social/family life that I was never able to have a clear head. Now that I'm only working part time and not on my normal workout program I'm spending more time with family and friends and my thoughts are so clear. I get excited when I have things shown to me. I know this is not only because I have time to think but because my relationship with God is growing and he's showing me things that I've been trying to figure out forever.
     Having a clear head allows me to think things through and know what I want in life. It's like I can actually see what's in front of me and not have that fog in the way. I see what I want in life when it comes to each part of my life, my health, my family, my career, my future, everything is getting shown to me. Before I felt like I was just going through the motions and didn't know what was to come.
    Each day I see that God is blessing me more and more and giving me the desires of my heart. He was doing this before but I could never see it because my mind was so cloudy. I wasn't always being grateful for the small victories. I can now see that I was truly blessed before and even more so now. We must be grateful. He's granted me the simplest things that keep me smiling to the big unexpected gifts that I never thought I would have. Each day he gives a beautiful surprise and I think to myself, what did I do to deserve your grace, your peace, your mercy, and your joy. I feel all of that, everyday when I wake up and I know it came from no where else but from him. He may send it through another vessel but it's definitely all from him.
     As you go through your day (every day), think about the desires of your heart and ask for them. God wants us to have those things, no big or small, so claim it. I'm so excited to see what he has instore for me today!!! Can't wait!

I am faithful and grateful and I resolve to please God.


Monday, June 20, 2011


        So on a day to day basis we think about what we can do to get to where we want to be. Maybe if we work more hours, we can save more money. If we save more money I can buy the car I want or the house I want. We try to plan our lives how we want it to be or how we think we should have it. Every day I learn more and more that it's really not about us at all.
        There are things in life that I want to do and I am still going to do after I'm done with these treatments. #1 Go back to get my masters  #2 Get married #3 Have kids #4 Get a successful career as a physical therapist #4 Get my NPC Pro Card.  (This is is not in any particular order) We all have goals but in the grand scheme of things God already has our path set out for us. The decision is ours on if we want to follow what he tells us to do.
        Breast Cancer was so NOT a part of my plan (I mean really who ever has that in their plans) but what I do know is that I believe that this has happened to me for a reason. Don't get me wrong, I in NO WAY believe that God gave me Cancer but I do believe that it has happened for a reason. I am a NPC figure competitor (body building) and I've always wanted to be in magazines and share my story and just reach out to people and educate them about health and wellness. I honestly believe that I will still do those things but on another platform. Maybe my calling to speak on health and wellness from a Cancer perspective, but that wasn't my plan, but it may be God's.
        I've had a few doors open already to be a voice in this matter in just the short couple of weeks that I've decided to share my story with any and everybody and I feel so blessed and honored to do so. Each day my passion to share and educate about Cancer grows stronger and stronger. I would have never in a million years chose to be a vessel in this way (through speaking on cancer) had it not happened to me, just because it was something that I was not knowledgeable about. I say all this to say, don't block God's blessings by not listening to what he tells you. As much as we think we have it all planned out, we really don't because all it takes is one slick move to throw you off route. The question is, do you follow your own or do you listen and follow the for sure route? It may not be all peaches and cream doing it HIS way but hey neither is YOUR way but you still keep trying. Why not try it his way and see?
       He thinks above and beyond what we can ever think or imagine. He wants us to have the best of the best and what he has for us exceeds what we could ever do for ourselves. I'm going to follow the for sure route to the best of my ability, staying positive and prayed up at all times. I'm sure I'll screw up here and there but he expects that of us, we are human. That's what I love about him, he's a forgiver. Cancer won't get me down like it's gotten so many others. God's got my back!

Be Blessed from the Light (that would be me lol)!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

To God be the Glory!

 I am a 30 year old young lady, healthy, very active, and in shape but on March 29, 2011 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I'm one of the healthiest people that my friends and family know, so none of us expected for this to happen to me. I was shocked but I believe with every being in me that my God will NEVER give me more than I can handle. April 26, 2011 I had the tumor removed, the tumor that was removed had a lot of cell division so I was told that I needed Chemotherapy and Radiation. Since then, my life has been slightly different but change is good, it makes us grow as people, making us better to and for one another. This has not only had an effect on me but on my family and friends as well. I love that it's teaching my people to be grateful for what God has already done no matter how small we may think it to be. We get so caught up sometimes that we forget about how blessed we already are until we see someone else's situation that may be different from our own. We are blessed.

In order to start my chemotherapy sessions, I had to get a port surgically placed into the left side of my chest. I got that done on Monday, June 6th. It was a very easy procedure and only had a very small amount of soreness afterwards. On this past Monday June 13, 2011 I started part of my first chemotherapy session with an injection of Herceptin. It took a couple of hours but was painless with no side affects. On Tuesday June 14th, I got the "real stuff", the actual chemotherapy medicine (Taxotere and Carboplatin). These two are the medicines that are going in to actually "kill" any cancer cells that may be floating around. So I'm sure you can image how strong they are.

The actual process again was painless. It just took a long time, since it was my first round of chemo, they wanted to give it to me slowly. I was getting "juiced up" (that's my name for it LOL) from 11am until 3:30 pm, so about 4 and a half hours, pretty long. But the people there are so nice that the time went by faster than I expected. More so because I have God on my side and I am super positive about this whole stituation. I was told that I'd be sick for the next 3-4 days and I feel just fine as I sit here and type. I refuse to let this hold me down. I feel a few differences in my body but nothing like what I was told or like what I've seen on tv, or nothing like I imagined it to be. I AM FAITHFUL AND GRATEFUL AND TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!