Sunday, July 17, 2011


     So I haven't written anything in a while because I only like to write when I've felt moved by something or when I've felt like I've learned something and I'd like to share it. I've been doing GREAT with this cancer journey if I do say so myself but I do have lots of time to think these days. So in one of my many thinking moments, I started to get down on myself a little bit. Not because I'm going through treatment but because of all of the things that this treatment affects in my life.
     For those of you that know me personally you know that I am a very hard worker. I've been working since I was 14. Many times I will hold down 2 and 3 jobs with no problem, so I'm use to getting what I want when I want it and doing it myself without any help. This is where the down side comes in, since I haven't been working like I'd like to or like I know I'm capable of doing outside of treatments I don't have to the money that I'm use to having and I can't always do the things that I'd like to do, which is really hard for me to take in at times.
     Dont' get me wrong, I have a nice place to lay my head, food to eat every day (and I do love to eat LOL), a car to drive, and even a couple of jobs that I can go to when I have the energy to do so. So why am I worried. I mean I still have small bills I have to pay and things that I'd like to do and places I'd like to go so I guess I'm not where I'd like to be but who is? All in all God shows me every day that I am blessed more that I think. When I think of it all God tries to bless me and lots of times I don't accept because I'm not humbling myself enough to receive the things he has in store for me.

 He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.
Proverbs 25:9

     I have someone everyday ask me, "Are you good?", "Do you need anything?", or to tell me "Call me if you need something.". My reply "I'm good (because HONESTLY I am)" or "No I don't need anything (because I really don't)". I figure God will take care of my bills when the time comes and he surely does. I guess you could call all of that Pride and I guess as humans we all have some of that somewhere where it's not needed.  I'm learning to humble myself and receive what God gives me through others.
     I'm just so use to being on the other end of the giving that it's tough sometimes. I'm sure there is something (whether its time, money, help, gifts, smiles, hugs, a talk, wants, or needs) you can humble yourself to receive on a daily basis. So I challenge whoever is reading this to humble yourself to receive the blessings that God has in store for you. They may not come the way you expect it but take them as they come and be grateful of the blessing he has set out for you. Remember that his plan is ALWAYS beyond what we can imagine!

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

2 Rounds of Chemo down 4 more to go!! Woohoo!
(Me and my brother Kevin)

I went all the way and shaved it all off! I love it!! :)



  1. Girl you look absolutely fabulous and are such an inspiration. Your spirit radiates in word and pictures. I am sure you have touched so many. Please continue to post as you are inspired to.

    James 5:16
    The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    You are blessed!

  2. I just saw your story on the news. I had to stop bye and say your strength is an inspiration. Stay up!

    -Quincy Anderson

  3. J, when I saw you at the concert I had no idea. You are an inspiration to us all and I admire your strength for sharing your story with us. You and I were notoriously called "twins" at georia southern and I'm proud of that because you are extremely gorgeous!! LOL.... Keep God first and I want u to know the we your fellow classmates love you!! xoxoxoxo Jarica Smith
